Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Like the Sand in the Hour Glass...

Well me and my flappin' jaws and supportive friends have done it now. I gave my notice, turned in my resignation, soon to join, once again, the ranks of the unemployed. Oh boy. Here we go again.

Not long ago I discovered More Magazine. It seemed like the perfect rag for a gal like me. The magazine is focused on women in their 40's, 50's, 60's and older, real women over 40 with mostly 'normal' figures model the actually wearable fashions, typical over forty-type health issues are addressed, and articles feature women over 40, making life transitions and re-inventing themselves. 

Why is it, then, that when I read these stories, I feel more paniced and anxious rather than inspired and moved? Like "Oh my God, I'm almost 45. I better hurry up with whatever the heck my dreams are and make them happen! The clock is ticking!" It must be a similar feeling that women in their late 20's and early 30's have when all their friends are getting married and having babies and they haven't found "Mr. Right." The sand in the hour glass is running through quickly. Having gotten married at 24 and pretty much knowing I never wanted children, I never experienced that ticking clock syndrome. I think it's my turn now. 

The upside is there really is no biological rush. If I play around with different (wrong) things for the next 10 or 20 years before hitting on my 'dream come true,' I haven't lost anything technically...and hopefully I will have gained loads of experiences, adventures and stories. 

On another upside, my current job pays so little, it's not as if I got used to living in the lap of luxury or anything. Here's Wander Woman trying to think positive as she wanders back into the land of unemployment. 

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