Saturday, May 3, 2008

Starve a Cold, Feed a Fever

Or is it feed a cold and starve a fever? Or is it eat everything you can get down the hatch if it makes you feel better? Is it possible to get fat from chicken soup and saltine crackers? Apparently, it is, especially when teamed up with a package of Mother's Taffy cookies and a block of cheese. Toss in lack of a good workout and there ya go, a good five pounds of extra flab.

I've been suffering a crazy spring cold for two weeks now. I don't get sick very often and when I do, it generally only lasts a couple of days max. This one, however, is kicking my growing butt! Besides the food, I've been consuming $100 worth of Bartell's supplies: TheraFlu, NyQuil, Tylenol PM, Echanecia, Vitamin C, Juices Galore, and more tea and honey than I can stand....and I like tea, or at least I did.

Last weekend I was completely shut in with laryngitis. People who know me would have loved that. Two whole days without listening to Chatty Cathy yammering on. I crawled back to work on Monday, but my boss insisted I stay home on Tuesday. I think more than being concerned about my health, he was concerned about me spreading the joy. I don't blame him. I get annoyed when sick people come to work unnecessarily.

I'm on day 14 since the onset and still suffering a chronic cough. My neighbors are loving me, I'm sure. I figure it's pay back for all the screaming sex noise I have to endure. It's got to wrap up soon. This lovely "December in May" weather we've been enjoying isn't making things any better...for my health or my mood.

Okay, Wilma Whiner is signing off now....wishing you all good health!

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