Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Small Changes

If I can't make any huge life changes just yet, maybe several simple small changes will satisfy my urges. The other day I was getting ready to meet a friend for a drink when I discovered some old navel rings I had. I hadn't changed my ring in months, maybe even over a year. You get the thing. It's all exciting. Soon (12 years later) it gets buried in there somewhere and you forget you even have it. I decide that needs to be done. Now! So off with the current one. Easy enough. And on with the new installation. Not so quick and easy.

I hadn't done it for a while and was struggling frantically working myself up into a lather. You know how tiny those balls are and then trying to get it exactly centered onto the post and screwed in! My nails, which are on the longish side, kept getting in the way. I was also working against my belly fat and I couldn't see very well over my boobs !!! Ugh...my friend was on her way over and would arrive any minute. The more I tried to hurry the worse the situation became. Why did I have to get into this little project just now? Not as if I'm heading out on the town in a mid-drift top or bikini for crying out loud. I was afraid I was going to have to ask her to be a pal and do it for me! Cripes. Just what I want, my skinny little friend digging around my gut attempting navel ring installation. The scene in my head made me more determined to get the bloody thing screwed in! I finally got it in by lying on the bed and stretching myself all out, but was all exhausted and sweaty from the process!

When I was done, I took a look in the mirror. Hmmm...I don't like this one so much, which is why I hadn't worn it for some time. It'll have to stay put for a while. I'm not up for the challenge of changing it again just yet. Small changes one small step at a time.


Anonymous said...

Move somewhere warm. You'll be in a bikini in no time. You know that, ex-Greece etc. gal!

wanderwoman said...

Working on it this very 36 degree F moment!