Sunday, January 23, 2011

Happy Twenty-Eleven

I think the rule is saying "happy new year" anytime within the month of January is still proper etiquette. So Happy New Year!

New Year's Resolutions are either well underway by now or have already been forgotten or blatantly dismissed and abandoned. People might say after a couple of weeks of attempting quitting smoking, "Oh, what was I thinking? It's hibernation time. I'll try again in the spring." I don't really blame them.

January is a tough month for many- the after holidays blues, dreary gray weather, promises of dieting and weight loss, contemplating the past year and making new [most likely unachievable] goals for 2011. It's rather exhausting. Or maybe it's just me. I start out the first of the year with a bang of energy. Rarin' to sign up for a dozen classes, get back to into my full exercise routine, list all my goals and quickly become overwhelmed by my extensive unrealistic list of dreams and wear myself out into a lie down on the sofa with a good book instead.

As I was taking down my Christmas cards recently, feeling semi-guilty for not sending out my usual bundle of cards this holiday season, I came across a card my friend, Adele, sent me from Lisbon last year. Inside she wrote:

"2010 Preview:
A wild and fantastic love life
An adventurous career
Fulfillment of dreams"

Inside the card she included a pressed four leaf clover from her garden, which I cherish. As a kid, I spent hours hunting for a four leaf clover in our lush green lawn never to find even one, so to have Adele send me one from her garden 5,000 miles away was special. I began reflecting on her "preview" of 2010.

A couple weeks ago, while walking with another friend, she reminded me of what a fantastic year 2010 was for me. Just as I had been lamenting over lack of employment in the early part of last year, I received a phone call which ultimately led to getting my old job back. It's not an ideal job. It's not my dream job. But in this crazy economy it's a sorely needed job and I'm very thankful for it.

I'd always had a pipe dream of learning to ride a motorcycle. Once employed and earning a regular paycheck, I took the Motorcycle Safety Foundation Course in the spring and, by the end of the summer, bought my own motorcycle. I'm still learning to ride the thing, but am loving it and can't wait for spring to get more miles and experience under my belt.

Through my desire to learn to ride a motorcycle and having started back at my new/old job, I was re-united with an old co-worker friend who soon became a love interest and, by fall, we were dating. I now seem to be part of a happy couple. That was certainly unexpected and snuck up on me out of the blue. Just as the saying goes "when you're not looking, you'll meet someone."

So yes, 2010 was a good year for me, as well as for many of my friends. Marriages, graduations, grad school, moves, new jobs, new homes, and adventurous travel were among the great events of many of my pals' lives. Even in a crap economy people are making the most of their lives and that is inspiring.

What does 2011 have in store for me? That's a good question. There will be more travel (last year's travel opportunities were few) and more romance with Mr. Wonderful (I am optimistic). The rest of the year is unknown at this point. I will go for a long walk, do some yoga, eat a bowl of cereal and figure out my life. Yeah, I may need more protein if I've got my whole life to figure out.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder. Not that I thought 2010 was a terrible year, in fact, quite the opposite. I have some great memories of fun times and great trips with my friends, a very successful year at work and another year of good health. Losing a best friend and dealing with profound sadness can sometimes overshadow all of the good stuff. But, as bad as the bad stuff was, the good stuff brings a balance to life. Like you, I'm looking forward to 2011 and all of the great stuff to come.

Anonymous said...

My dear´s so nice to know you still have the four leaf clover...I think of you all the time! I miss you and all the fun TALKS we had...Keep writing you are so funny...I finally figured out how to post a comment this is tough!
Happy 2011...Adele.

ADELE said...

I really love what you have a gift!