Friday, February 29, 2008

Love Language 101

Last month I had a girls gathering and one of the girls drove up from Chehalis and stayed the night at my place. When the others had left the party, she and I were talking and I noticed throughout her visit, she kept mentioning her and her husband's 'love languages'. She said, "if I come home and tell Lou I didn't charge anything on this trip, that's his love language." After a few of these comments I asked her if she and her husband were going to counseling. She confirmed they were, hence the whole "love language" terminology being tossed around.

The other night, #8 and I were talking and out of the blue he started talking about his "love languages." He mentioned a book he read either when he was married or while going through his divorce. Either way, he mentioned that it was a very helpful book and he told me a couple of his love languages: 1. Time, when his partner makes time for him and 2. physical touch.

I find these two in particular to be interesting since this is a guy who barely gives me the time of day. I saw him last Monday and haven't heard, seen or received even an email from him since. I had asked him when I left Monday night if he had plans for this coming weekend. He said no, but somehow we never actually planned anything concrete. He'll call eventually, though. He always does...usually apologizing that he's not been in contact.

Touch? Again, he barely shows affection by touch. He will put his hand on my leg in the movie theater, and sex is certainly great, but otherwise, where is all this physical touching? Maybe his idea of these two things is just subtle, while mine is much more pronounced.

I relayed that my 'love languages' also involve time and touch... a lot of touching. I'll have to read up and determine my other love languages.

So, while I continue to date this guy, basically because I do enjoy his company overall when we are hanging out together, and because there's really no reason not to date him at this stage, he just continues to remind me why I know he's not 'the one.'

In addition, I had a crap work week and while confirming once again that my job is not 'the one' I have been having fantasies of my upcoming cruise. Fantasies of the boat stopping in Belize where I get off never to get back on board! Hmmm....what a nice day dream.

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