Monday, October 25, 2010

Flu Shot Frenzy

I know they are given out freely and are suppose to protect us from a few different flu viruses (H1N1, H3N2 and Influenza B, for example), but I just don't feel comfortable getting a flu shot myself. I am not 100, I am not pregnant, I don't suffer any chronic illnesses, I am not around small children (a.k.a. carriers of everything), I don't live in a nursing home, nor am I around sickly people all day. My co-workers have so much allotted time off, they stay home for a sniffle. Doubt I'd ever catch anything from them.

My decision to decline the free flu shot is my personal choice. I don't peddle my opinion or try to sway others not to get a flu shot. By all means, if it makes you feel more protected, get one. Personally, I've never gotten a flu shot and I rarely get sick. I'm usually pretty lucky.

Last week, my office was providing flu shots to all the employees and a line was formed snaking several yards around the outside of the temporary clinic area. I was questioned as to why I wasn't getting my flu shot. My answer, which basically consisted of "I don't want one", was received with much concern. Frankly, if everyone else is getting the shot, I technically don't need one. Everyone in my office had some reason why I should get my flu shot.

1. It will protect me from several flu viruses -
Response: It doesn't protect from ALL viruses. I'm still at risk.

2. I will get sick from riding the bus-
Response: I've been riding public transportation for eight years and haven't caught the flu from this activity.

3. I'll get sick and then have to give up my vacation days -
Response: I intend to take all my vacation days as vacation days.

4. It might help me with my allergies-
Response: Since I have no idea what I am actually allergic to specifically, I highly doubt it.

5. I'll get sick and then infect my co-workers-
Response: If they've all gotten their shots, they're in the safety zone, right?

6. I might get a flu not included in the protection formula-
Response: Oy Vey. Think about that argument.

The office was full of energy as co-workers charged off to receive their shot. While getting into the elevator one man shouted out to a passerby as the doors were closing "going to get my flu shot!" The passerby cheerily shouted back "I got mine this morning!" They practically high- fived each other as the doors closed. I understand that getting a flu shot can reduce the possibility of an epidemic and spread of influenza during the winter season, but these people act as if they are doing the biggest community service they can muster. And I, on the other hand, was treated like a leper in the midst of it all.

I am somewhat skeptical about getting a flu shot, because I've heard many people actually get sick after the shot. A co-worker pointed out that wasn't true. There might just be a few symptoms which include, but are not limited to sore throat, fever, aches, fatigue and soreness. I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest these are--eerr--flu-like symptoms.

Why couldn't anyone just accept that I wasn't getting a flu shot, wish me good luck in not getting sick and carry on with their day? After all their badgering and warnings, I'm never going to hear the end of it if I should get sick.

I immediately sent emails to a few friends who study alternatives to western medicine and requested a list of seven herbs and spices to protect myself from illness. More than staying healthy for the sake of staying healthy, I have a point to prove now!


Anonymous said...

AMEN! I feel exactly the same way AND I'm tired of listening to those who have gotten the flu shot complain about not feeling well. Frankly, one peson I work for is the first to complain of any symptom of any illness. I would prefer he gets the flu and stays home. If I get the flu I will consider it a vacation day from him!

Good work WW. A

Anonymous said...

AMEN! I feel exactly the same way AND I'm tired of listening to those who have gotten the flu shot complain about not feeling well. Frankly, one peson I work for is the first to complain of any symptom of any illness. I would prefer he gets the flu and stays home. If I get the flu I will consider it a vacation day from him!

Good work WW. A

Anonymous said...

No kidding, it's like a row of obedient sheep. I don't get one either (or my kids and they haven't got the flu). If they do, they'll get over it.

Anonymous said...

Both my child and I get a flu shot. Neither of us has ever had even a sniffle because of the vaccine. As you said WW, it's simply a personal choice. One question though, are these nagging individuals otherwise ones to nag about what you should or shouldn't do about things other than a flu shot? I'm guessing they might be. It would seem odd if they limited their expert advice and input to just the flu shot.

strange fancies said...

Getting flu-like symptoms after a flu shot used to happen but really doesn't anymore with the flu vaccine in use today. And the main value of "herd immunity" is to people with compromised immune systems who can't benefit from a shot--which could include some of your co-workers, for all you know. Just throwing that out there.