Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Second (or Third or Fourth) Acts

The question in the tag line asks "What is the next?" for this 40-something year old woman? After much deliberation, several years of trying on other jobs (pet sitting, art museum, attorney's office, bridal gown sales to name a few), exploring and teaching abroad, an involved application process,coercing friends and professional contacts to write letters of reference spouting words of praise, and finally, a grueling 4 1/2 hour interview, it appears the "next" in this scenario includes heading back to school. Even as I seem to be closing in on the end of my 40's, I feel excited and energized by my pursuit of a Masters in Teaching and prospective career change. It's what I've wanted to do since my first round of college courses, but others, society, my devil's advocate persona have always talked me out of it. Well, no more. I have to work for the next 20 years (at least), so I need to do something I think I'll enjoy. And frankly, the additional time off is enticing as well.

I know at least one travel friend who frowns on the limitations of the teacher travel schedule. I once asked her opinion about traveling to Argentina during Christmas time with a teacher on her break. It was expensive to fly, accommodations were going to be costly, as was everything else that time of year. Her advice? "Ditch the teacher."  Rather than ditch the teacher, I'm joining the teacher. True my vacation plans would be worked around school schedules, which equates to busier tourist seasons, higher prices and the risk of traveling with kids most of the time. I am pretty sure these are adversities I can negotiate around. An experienced explorer can find the deals sans the families. It's not as if  I plan to visit Six Flags or set sail on a Disney Cruise.

My recently engaged ex-sister-in-law told me at first she felt a little silly being "engaged" at her age. She quickly got over that and is enjoying the moment (I'm very excited for her by the way!). I, too, feel a little bit silly going back to school, to be a teacher of all things, so late in life. But hey, you know what I say? It's never too late to follow your heart, even if my heart will be the ripe old age of fifty by the time I start my new career.


Anonymous said...

Okay... I may have been one of the ones to say "ditch the teacher." But in fact, I may be envious of the teacher schedule. And... I can't think of a better teacher than you for bright young (and even not so bright) minds. You are making it happen in a way that works for you and for that, I am inspired.

And, oh... by the way... I am not willing to consider us "middle aged" or "old" or anything else you may have implied. Aren't we the same hot, young, carefree, wonder women we were always meant to be? Maybe a few things give us roots (Mr. Wonderful), but we can still fly with those roots firmly attached.


wanderwoman said...

Ahhh, thanks, A! You're the best and I really appreciate your support :)

Lucky Mom said...

Right on my friend! Cha cha cha changes! I love change!


Anonymous said...

Take it from one who knows, we all need to drop our old school attitudes about what's "too old" and instead do what "feels right". I'm glad to see you following your passion and you will be an amazing teacher because you're already an amazing person.

wanderwoman said...

Thanks for all your support, everyone!

wanderwoman said...

Thanks for all your support, everyone!

Sirpa Heide said...

FASCINATING!!!! Loreley, you look about 30 and your amazing energy and passion are closer to a 25 year old's! Just don't ever tell anyone your age - Lucille Ball said the biggest mistake she made in Hollywood was telling people her age when she first arrived. Age - like gender - is passe! :) You are the coolest!!!!!