Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Good for the Soul

Of all the different dating services there are today speed dating is still my top pick. I always have fun and usually meet someone I end up dating. People often say speed dating isn't for them because "how can you tell anything in six minutes"? From my experience, you can spend hours sorting through on line applicants, have several email exchanges, agree to meet, and within six minutes of meeting face to face you know if you're going to pursue this any further. So I cut out all that "prep-work" and just go straight to the six minute date.

I haven't met "Mr. Right", but really the point is just to date, sort and have fun while on the journey to Mr. Right. And maybe there is no Mr. Right for me. That's okay too, but I'm certainly going to continue dating.

During my last speeding dating episode in mid-Dec (I've only done this three times, so I'm no expert really), I met one interesting guy. Turns out, he was #8 on the docket, the very last contestant. Some of you may recall, my last speed dater was #8, and we dated for, yes, 8 months. My New #8 took me out on what I'd have to say was the best first date I've had in a very long time. We went to the Seattle Art Museum to see the Michelangelo Exhibit, and then had dinner afterwards. He asked me if I would object if he invited another couple along. Of course I didn't object, but I found it rather odd. Inviting another couple on our first date? Shouldn't we try to get to know each other better first before dragging our friends into it? As it turned out, I loved his friends! Furthermore, a good way to get to know someone is by observing them with their friends. I'd never really thought about this before. The entire evening was fun with lively conversation, great banter and I definitely would like to see this guy again.

In the meantime, I've also been seeing this hot hot bus driver who drives me to church every Sunday (okay, not every Sunday because I don't actually attend church every Sunday, but I sure stepped up my attendance after meeting my new chauffeur). I met him a couple months ago and my mouth literally fell open upon climbing aboard the Number 2 bus. This totally Rasta looking dude with the dreads, beautiful smile and knee buckling accent got my full attention. I lived in Europe for over three years, I'm not all that taken in with accents in general, but this one is sexy. I rode to the end of the line with him and we chatted a bit. This went on for a few weeks and I finally formally introduced myself and he asked me to coffee. He's actually not Rasta dude at all, he's from Venezuela. Meow. A coffee date turned into a drink date and I learn more about this fella. He is younger than me, but I don't actually know how old he is. I think I really do not care.

Our last date involved him coming over to mine and cooking for me. While I was a little nervous about the final's always dangerous to have a sexy man alone in my apartment, I agreed to let him in. Wearing my best jeans, candles lit all over the apt, Marvin Gaye on the Panasonic, what did I honestly expect to happen? Seriously, could it go any other way?

Meanwhile, up in Snohomish County, my New #8 is currently purchasing restaurant coupons and planning events for our next date.

Oh, I haven't perfected the art of dating two men at once. I may need to call in reinforcements for juggling advice in the near future. However, the fact that they live in separate counties is helpful. I am not going to feel bad about it. I'm dating. Getting to know these men. At some point, I'll determine which one, if either one, is a keeper. Honestly, I think my Venezuelan Bus Driver won't last. But like a little Marvin Gaye, he is certainly good for a girl's soul.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Resolve To Not Resolve

The other night Dr. Phil's show focused on resolutions. The first show of the new year, it was appropriate subject matter. His tag lines were "What will you leave behind in 2009?" and "Don't do it again in 2010". Seems to be the year of the rhyme. One of the Ministers at church came up with "save the men in 2010." Hey, he got a laugh and a round of applause from the single women in the crowd.

I, too, have been mulling over my new year's resolutions. I don't generally make them because I'm quite good at forgetting them as soon as I write them down, or even before I've gotten so far as to write them down, if you really want to know the truth. I'll think of something really worth resolving while I'm riding on the bus. I'm standing and can't let go of the handrail to fish into my tote for a pen and notepad. As soon as I get to work (10 minutes later) I think "now what was that resolution I thought of on the bus? I'm pretty sure it was a good one. Oh well." And then I carry on with life sans any resolutions.

I've come up with a few resolutions to work on this year, but here are a few of the more ridiculous resolutions I've resolved to not resolve.

Ridiculous Resolution #1

Lose Weight/Get Into Shape - I can run after my bus every morning (usually in heels and carrying a tote, purse, lunch bag et al), I can climb up to the top of Queen Anne Hill in 10 minutes or less and continue at a brisk pace for a decent workout, I can walk miles, lift heavy boxes, climb my four flights of stairs several times a day, ski a black diamond run, hike Mailbox Peak (although I'm not finding it as appealing these days). I can yoga, salsa and hip hop (although it's not pretty). I don't need to have rock hard abs. I'm not a dancer, performer, bodybuilder or any other exhibitionist. It'd be nice to have amazing abs, but it's just not going to happen. I'm soft and curvy. Always have been always will be. Acceptance.

Ridiculous Resolution #2

Cut Out Sugar - I have a sweet tooth. I feel the need to round off a healthy meal with a bite of something sweet. Not an entire pie, or huge slice of chocolate cake, just a bite - something shared, a small taste will do. I'm not giving that up. Yes, this explains #1.

Ridiculous Resolution #3

Find My Dream Job - That seems to be an ongoing resolution that is neither ignored nor achieved after so many January 1st's having passed. After over a dozen jobs in the past 3 years, I've come to the conclusion that I like change. I thrive on change. I love changing jobs every few months, meeting new people, learning a new industry, developing new skills and brushing up on old ones. While most people stress over the first day of work, unsure about where to hang their coat, put their lunch, who to eat with, I find the whole experience exciting in some weird way. Constant change is my dream job. If only it was more lucrative.

Ridiculous Resolution #4

Pay Off VISA Every Month - If I had the money to pay off my VISA every month, I would not have to use my VISA in the first place. (See #3 - the not-so-lucrative career of the ever changing jobs temp)

Ridiculous Resolution #5

Start My Own Business - Okay, this is more of a pipe dream than a resolution. With #3 and #4 in place, this one is simply...well...ridiculous.

Good luck to all of you with your not-so-ridiculous New Year's Resolutions!