Here we are two days in. Into December, that is- the home stretch of 2008. Suddenly we are reminded of those New Years resolutions set way back in January. What were they? Simplify life. Have a plan by fall. Ummm, I think that is all I could muster up at the time ( and even that was pretty undoable as it turns out. Well, if by 'simpler life' I meant work less and have less, I guess I have accomplished that much. And if by 'have a plan by fall' I meant come up with an outline of a variety of possibilities, then, okay, I've got that covered too. Can't totally beat myself up, now can I?
Besides entering the month of holiday hub bub, which I could simply do without, we're also entering the month of too much spending, family stress, overbooked social calendars, head colds, and an overload on Christmas music, Christmas related foods and Christmas decorations. I know I know, I sound like Eb Scrooge. I'm not really a Scrooge (well, maybe a tiny bit), but I just think so much of the season is lost on us as human beings during this month. I witnessed one interviewee tell a news reporter that things are so tight this year she is going to have to reduce the gift to her sister from $200 to $100. Okay, 'Sister McCain,' get a grip. I realize everybody has different spending habits, different incomes and different expectations, but wow. No offense, Friends and Family, but I'm not sure even if I had the money, I'd spend $200 on each of you. Sorry, not a Scrooge, just reasonable.
I so enjoyed the holidays when I lived abroad. For one thing, I never heard the phrase "Happy Holidays" until about three days before Christmas. Although there were holiday decorations sparkling throughout the major cities' squares, people put their Christmas trees up a few days before Christmas, not four weeks prior. Our trees are practically dead by the time Christmas rolls around. "Johnny, don't bump the tree or the needles will drop!" Hell, the needles will drop if you just walk past it too quickly.
Although the Christmas frenzy and commercialism give me a bit of angst, there are a few holiday traditions I do actually enjoy and embrace. Last Sunday some friends invited me to join them for the "Festival of Trees" at the Fairmont Hotel and the Gingerbread House Exhibit at the Sheraton. These are free exhibits open to the public and truly amazing and inspirational.
I also enjoy homemade Christmas cookies...a lot. Not a lot of cookies, I just enjoy them immensely. And most of all, I love the classic holiday movies "White Christmas," "Gift of the Magi," "It's a Wonderful Life, "Home for the Holidays," and, of course, "How the Grinch Stole Christmas."
So even though this Grinchy Scrooge is flying away for the holidays to avoid the whole routine, she does have a special place in her heart for the Space Needle all lit up-a beautiful scene!
The free sh*t is the best at the end of the day isn't it? Family, friends, free wine. Right??
You got it, LM!
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