Monday, November 2, 2009

A Happy Soul

November 2nd - All Souls' Day. This is a day set aside for remembrance of the beloveds who no longer share our lives with us here on earth. It sounds a little heavy, especially right after All Saints Day and All Hallow's Eve. Busy weekend actually. My parents' ashes are buried up north and visiting the cemetery wasn't possible for me today. But no matter. I still took a few moments out of my day to think of them, as I do most days actually, along with many others in my life who have passed on, including those special furry friends that treated me so well over the years. All Souls' Day really means "ALL" souls.

While that may sound depressing for some, it really isn't. It's actually a really good day to take a good look at your own soul and remind yourself to nurture it regularly. November is my least favorite month of the twelve. Always has been. I'm not sure if it's the weather, the time change (although that extra hour yesterday was rather nice and sorely needed after our All Hallow's Eve celebration), the darkness, the fact that all I really want to do is sleep, but I'm too busy for more sleep, or the weather...ooops, I said that already, didn't I? In any case, I am taking extra care with my soul this month, because I think it's going to need it.

For me that means more yoga sessions (at the studio not just in my livingroom with the noisy neighbors upstairs distracting my Zen mood), more homecooked meals (my crockpot is fired up), more herbal teas, more laughter, watching more movies and, yes, more sleep.

So take a few moments to honor those who've passed on and then, even more importantly, take a few extra moments to honor your own soul and promise to do what keeps it happy in these coming dark and crazy-making months that are sure to be full of challenges, as well as (sometimes hidden) rewards.

I opened the month with my favorite movie of all time, Breakfast at Tiffany's. I just love Holly Golightly's zest for life and adventure, not to mention her flare for fashion. But I can so relate to her lost soul in search of something that is right there in front of her. When "Fred Darling" tells her off and says it doesn't matter where she goes, she'll always keep running into herself, somehow that little speech really hit home for Wander Woman. Aahh.... the messages in these old films are so poignant.

My soul and I are off to bed with a cup of Chamomile, some pleasant reading and early sleeping.

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