Monday, April 20, 2009

And Justice Prevails

My neighborhood Cat Burglar was nabbed this past weekend and that just warms my heart. Apparently, Mr. CB, barely missing a beat after my confrontation with him, continued his life of crime just blocks away. After two failed attempts, he was picked up and arrested by police on Saturday.

I received a call from the police on Sunday, letting me know they thought they'd captured my guy. On Monday, two detectives came to my office to show me a serious of pictures and take my statement.

I was a little concerned about picking this guy out of a lineup. I didn't really get a very good look at his face. He kept his back to me and his head down. In the past, I've always said I'd be crap at picking a guy out of a lineup. I never even seem to be able to recognize famous people, whether they are local celebrities, politicians or Hollywood starlets. I went to the Sundance Film Festival one year and my friends had to keep pointing out the movie stars. If I did see someone who appeared "Hollywoodesque", I'd ask "is that someone?"

So I wasn't real confident that my identification abilities would do much good. Unless they had a good shot of his hairdo, I'd be screwed.

Also, I didn't figure they'd have five guys who look totally different, i.e. a redhead, a blond, a bearded fella, a 400lb dude and my CB, making is easy for me to choose. As I suspected, the detectives showed up with six photos of clean shaven, dark haired fellas. However, only two had that thick, dark, curly hair and luckily one of those two had the jawline of the guy I had pinned to my front door. I actually picked the right guy! How excited was I when the officers told me that was, in fact, Mr. Cat Burglar.

As I suspected, my laptop is probably long gone. Having been swapped for some quick cash, it has probably changed hands twenty times by now. Minor detail, really. Justice prevails and Mr. CB will spend some time in the "big house" and in some wee way, I feel like I helped put him there.


Little White Cloud said...

I am so glad to hear... Was thinking about you alot... Yeah for justice.

Anonymous said...

It's so cool that they got the guy and even cooler that you had a hand in sealing his fate in the "BIG HOUSE". You're one brave chick and it's nice to know that there is some justice in the world.

Smitty said...

My hero!!!

wanderwoman said...

Thanks, All!

strange fancies said...

Maybe you should start a new career as a private eye. You've got the guts and the observational skills.

P.S. Glad you're OK.