Sunday, April 27, 2008

Ten Things I Love About My Singledom

There are definitely more than ten, I'm sure. And the list may change from week to week, or even day to day depending on my mood, my last date, or the weather. But today my list includes (but is not limited to):

1. Eating while standing over the kitchen sink. I know this is wrong, considered unhealthy and a sure-fire way to gain weight. But I just love this sinful act. It's so efficient and satisfying somehow. Maybe because it is so wrong.

2. Double dipping. (Need I say more?)

3. Taking an uninterrupted nap on the sofa on a rainy Sunday afternoon. Okay, sure, taking a nap with someone special would be ideal, but hey, aloneness is what I'm working with at the moment.

4. Planning my daily activities (and life in general) without the need to consider the significant other.

5. Spending money without explanation to anyone.

6. Not spending money on things you don't want, but he thinks are necessary.

7. When sick, being able to freely cough, sneezy, spew germs all over your home without feeling guilty about spreading the nastiness to your loved one.

8. Staying in your p.j.'s til noon on Sunday if that's what you want. No one has to know!

9. Coming home to an empty apartment. I know this is really weird, but I actually like this part about being single. It feels like stepping into my own little haven, untouched and undisturbed by anyone.

10. Walking around my apartment in my bra and panties with L'Oreal Preference on my hair and a seaweed anti-aging face mask. Things I did openly with my first husband, I just can't even imagine doing in front of anyone else.

I'm certain the list of great things about being in a relationship would be much longer than this, but today, I'm celebrating NOT being in a relationship. Life is good.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm.... With the exception of ## which I would die for, I already do these things. Daily.

Anonymous said...

#3 that got missed on my comment. Doh.

wanderwoman said...

Hey, Lucky Mom, you are lucky...obviously, you are with the right man!