Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Greatest Place on Earth (Sometimes)

It's always the way....I spend months droning on about the crap Seattle weather. The grey skies and drizzle make me crabby and foul. All I do is dream of living in a sunshine filled land, with palm trees and calm blue seas. I envision myself wearing flip flops to my job (the one I have yet to create, but allows me to wear flip flops to and I make loads of dough and am really happy being artsy or something along those lines). Yes, I fantasize about how my life would be so easy peasy and carefree in this great sunny and warm imaginary place in my head.

And I'm all set to move as soon as the opportunity presents itself. Then comes along a spectacular stint of sunshiny Pacific Northwest days that remind me of why I live here in the first place.

My office is located down on Shilshole, and while a pain in the rear to get to via Metro, it's quite gorgeous on the kinds of days we've been having lately. Today I took a long walk down to the beach at Golden Gardens, people and nature watching along the way. Went as far as the duck ponds and looped back to the office gazing out at the peaceful Puget Sound the entire way. By the time I'd reached my office, I'd had an enormous attitude adjustment. It was all due to that beautiful 45 minute walk along the beach. Now that's what I'm after!

On Sunday, #8 had reserved a plane for us so he could fly me to the San Juan Islands for the day. OMG! I have lived in this area for almost 30 years and have spent a ton of time exploring the San Juan and Golf Islands over the years via sailboat, ferry or kayak. When married, my ex-husband and I took several trips and camped, stayed at friends' places or in B&B's on the islands. We went whale watching by kayak and truly reveled in the island life. But I had never seen the islands by air. What an amazement I was in for! Sunday was the kind of blue sky, perfect weather day we dream of in this neck of the woods and the day did not disappoint!

Eight reserved a tiny little two seater plane - he piloted up front and I "co-piloted" from behind him. The 360 degree view was spectacular from my perch. He even let me 'fly' the plane! Okay, so flying a plane with the captain sitting right there at the helm is a bit like sailing a huge craft with the captain standing right there to grab the wheel at a moment's notice. Not a whole lot you can do to screw up. Still it was exhilarating! We landed in Friday Harbor, got out and had lunch and strolled around town. After, we took off again and went over to Orcas. We landed but due to the stellar day, an abundance of planes were out exploring the islands so there were no parking spots available. After doing a spin around the airport, we took off again and cruised around scoping out Rosario Resort and the fabulous secluded homes tucked within the hills and trees of the islands.

Again, I am reminded of exactly why I came back here to live. When it's grey and cloudy and damp, it's miserable. But when we have clear, blue skies and sunshine, there is no more beautiful place on earth! Drats. And I was so ready to pack my bags.


Keely said...

AMEN!!!A beautiful day in Seattle makes up for all the rain, clouds, and drizzle!!!

wanderwoman said...

So true, Keely! When the sun is out, I completely forget about all those many grey sky days!

Anonymous said...

Hey, why is my son's old hair stylist that moved to Idaho on your blog? *Hi Keely*