Saturday, October 13, 2007

A Trip to the Movies

Last weekend I went to see the movie "Into the Wild." Although I'd never gotten around to reading the book (one of those many on my long list of "to reads."), I knew the premise. I'd read enough reviews and snippets and had heard people talk about the best selling book when it first came out. So I was aware of the general facts, as well as, the tragic ending. Even so, I was willing to pay $9 to see this movie.

This film was so powerful and touching that my tears began from the opening scene where our leading man is writing a postcard to a friend and continued right on through the rest of the film. I cried my eyes out- no, sobbed- for over two solid hours! As if the breathtaking cinematography, the poetic and loving tone of the narrator (the star's sister), and the spirituality of nature weren't enough, I'd just begin to get myself under control when the moving lyrics and passionate vocals of Eddie Vedder would burst through the speakers. The waterworks would crank up all over again.

At one point I had to step out to use the toilet (I am unable to go longer than a 90 minute stint without a potty break). I'd regained my senses, blown my nose, taken a deep breath before re-entering the dark solemn theater. As soon as I did, I saw our star, Chris, on the screen saying goodbye to the old man he'd befriended en route. What the conversation had been just prior, I could only imagine, but imagine I did, and the tears were once again streaming down my face as I was looking for my seat!

As the closing scene came upon us (finally), the camera pulled back to view the Magic [grave] Bus surrounded by Alaskan Wilderness in springtime. A bittersweet heartbreak. You could have heard a pin drop but for all the sniffling and nose blowing. I thought I could pull myself together enough to exit the theater with a shred of dignity, when a last note suddenly flashed on the screen. A note that his sister flew over Alaska spreading her deceased and much loved brother's ashes. Okay, I've just about had enough. By this time, I am exhausted and a complete mess.

Unfortunately, we were seated at the end of the row, so needed to exit to let others pass. I really did need more sit in the dark...pretending to read the credits. My much more stoic friend and I scampered off into the ladies lounge where I attempted to compose myself and put eye drops in my ruby red peepers. Thing is, from observing the other women in there, it didn't appear anyone else had suffered from a severe case of cryingitis the way I had.

All in all, it was a powerful and inspiring story. One that will speak to you and stay with you long after the credits roll. A highly recommended, heart wrenching, tear jerker, if you're into that sort of thing. Anyone know of a good comedy out now?


Anonymous said...

Ruby red peepers? I must see this film! Sounds amazing.

wanderwoman said...

If you see it, I'd like to know if you were as touched...or am I just overly sentimental? Well, I already know the answer to that.